Tuesday 22 January 2013

Next Moisturizer: Kiehl's and Clarins

After I finished Clinique Moisture Surge Intense, now it's time for me to move on to other moisturizer products.

A little review on the product:
It did help my dry skin a little, but it doesn't give the level of moisture as promised. It has a rather strong frangrance as well. But for someone who can't get bothered to use too much moisturizing products and prefer to have just one moisturizer for day and night, maybe this one can be your answer. Just apply a little and you're ready to go ;)

The next product that I'm going to give a try is:
1. Kiehl's Abyssine Cream+
2. Multi-Active Nuit.

Both are anti-aging cream as I read that after you hit 30, it's better to move on to anti-aging products to prevent the occurance of fine lines or at least give your skin extra protection.

So here I am. Using these two anti-aging moisturizer for my dry skin. Can't give any comments yet, let's wait until a month or so :)

Wednesday 16 January 2013

Roti Goreng Isi Daging

Dalam upaya ningkatin semangat makannya Noah sekaligus memenuhi gizinya, hari ini pengen buat sarapan yang dalam sekali haappp langsung dapet deh kalori yang dibutuhin sama si bocah..

Resepnya inspirasi dari salah satu mommy di milis mpasi rumahan , maaf ya lupa namanya siapa.. Lalu dari resep tersebut dimodifikasi sendiri sesuai isi kulkas dan makanan kesukaan Noah.. supaya ya diemuuuttt... -__-*

Ini resepnya:

  • 2 helai roti gandum
  • 1 butir telur
  • keju Kraft secukupnya, parut
  • 30gr daging sapi cincang
  • 30gr kabocha / butternut squash, parut
  • 30gr buncis, iris tipis
  • 1 siung bawang putih
  • bawang bombay secukupnya
  • ELOO untuk menumis
  • 300ml kaldu & air
  • Garam secukupnya
  • Tumis bawang bombay dan bawang putih dengan menggunakan ELOO setelah harum masukkan daging cincang yang telah diblansir sebelumnya.
  • Tumis sebentar lalu masukkan kaldu dan air. Setelah air kaldu mendidih, masukkan kabocha parut dan buncis. Beri garam secukupnya. Masak hingga sedikit airnya. Sisihkan.
  • Potong pinggir roti gandum, pada helai 1, taburi keju parut lalu tuang tumisan daging ke atas roti hingga rata. Tutup roti dengan helai 2.
  • Baluri roti dengan telur yang telah dikocok.
  • Panaskan wajan dengan sedikit ELOO lalu goreng roti
  • Siap dihidangkan
Beginilah penampakannya :

Selamat mencoba :)

Wednesday 9 January 2013

Happy New Year 2013!!

For some reasons I can predict that this year is going to be a colourful year.

The year full of amusement, joy, challenge, journey, and adventures.. Ready or not, we need to face the future.. So bring it on baby!